EC2 Vimfrastructure

Jupiter notebooks from an EC2 server! I use AWS EC2 instances quite a bit - the headless, Linux AMI kind. The kind where the first ssh login lands you in a bare and minimalistic system and gives a distinct metallic aftertaste. The kind that I - grown soft with friendly UIs and cozy zsh themes - can’t use any longer without daydreaming of a keyboard flying out the window. So, mostly for self-use, here’s how I’ve set up the recent EC2 server. [Read More]

Tangled velocity structure in a massive stellar nursery

The figure below is an interactive supplement for my Sokolov et al. (2019) paper, where we used unsupervised hierarchical clustering algorithm to disentangle complex dynamics within a massive molecular cloud.

The figure, made in plotly, is a position-position-velocity diagram of the ammonia-derived kinematics within a massive filamentary infrared dark cloud G035.39-00.33. The velocity components identified with acorns are shown in different colors.

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Urban Growth

Projected urban growth (2018-2035) While taking a much needed break from thesis writing, I was toying around with map visualizations in Python. After all, plotting maps of the land has got to be similar to making maps of the sky, right? All in all, plotting geospatial data turned out to be a rather easy, and I spent most time looking for a decent data to plot and on a formidable task of choosing which map projection to use. [Read More]

Gaia H-R diagrams

Querying Gaia data for one million nearby stars

Gaia H-R diagrams
What is the saddest part about being a star? Pretty much everything about your life is determined by how much you weigh at birth. Once a star is born, its energy output is mainly governed by two forces: gravity, acting inwards, and the fusion core of the star, pushing outwards. As the delicate balance between the two sets the size and the surface temperature of the star, the color and brightness of the star are used by astronomers to determine not only how massive the star is, but also what kind of fuel it burns at its core. [Read More]

New webpage! What can it do?


Posts in Hugo are written in Markdown, and MathJax should be enabled by default, so LaTeX should get rendered:

$$ \ln \mathcal{L}(\theta) = -N \ln \sqrt{2 \pi \sigma^2} - \frac{1}{2\sigma^2} \sum_{i=1}^N \Big(y_i - \mathcal{M}(\theta, i)\Big)^2 , $$

although I can’t get inline math mode to render: $x = \frac{1}{2}$ yet.

Using Font Awesome

Markdown supports html-code blocks, so we can take advantage of the state-of-the-art web-design features.

  • Font Awesome provides free, clean, and beautiful icon set
  • Even though the icon set is mainly for web-design...
  • ... it has some academic icons as well
  • and it even supports animated icons!
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